domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

Love Will Tear Us Apart

When the silence is so deep that no one can hear your screaming thoughts, you run. From whom, you don’t know. Maybe from yourself or from a shadow of who you once were, or from the person you want to become. So many faces you don’t show, so many faces you don’t know. When you can’t follow the happy melody and your sad voice diverges from everything else, you seek for someone, trying to find a reason to love yourself, because you simply just can’t. Not anymore. Not yet. Not quite.
Whose fault is it?
I can’t talk about love, because I’ve never known it. And idealizations and digressions won’t fill anything or anyone. It shouldn’t fill. But there’s a point, a line you can’t cross. Love will only remain love if it’s good to you. Don't lose yourself just because you found somebody.
It’s better to feel pain that nothing at all. The opposite of love is indifference. Love has to hurt, otherwise where is the fun? Love will tear you apart, but will still be the only thing pulling your pieces together.
Sometimes you’re the lost cause. Sometimes is your relationship. Sometimes is life.
A 3 minute record makes you think more about life that any philosophy essay subject. And it shows more about someone that any biography will ever show.
Hug somebody today. That person may be tearing herself apart for love. Or the lack of it. A hug could avoid suicide. Cure cancer. Stop wars. Ian Curtis had no one to hug. And he killed himself. But fortunately he left us his music. And everything he could never say or do or overflow.
Hug an Ian Curtis today, and he may leave you more than his music.
He could leave you his love.

Julia Lima, 28.02.2016

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